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what is CRUMBLE... precious?

CRUMBLE is a gaming companion app for creating, organizing, and drawing CRUMBLEs - customizeable chance cards for your gaming pleasure! The flexible interface makes it easy to create CRUMBLEs for your games! Check out the info graphic to learn more... and LET'S GET READY TO CRUMBLE! Sorry, we had to.

draw yourCRUMBLEchoosePARAMETERSto further customizeyour shenanigansselect theDECKfrom which you'dlike to drawchoose yourFELLOWSHIPfor live gameplay with yourgroup!Drawing aCRUMBLEEFFECTSTHE TITLEDAMAGE MODIFIERPARAMETERSDESCRIPTIONTheCRUMBLECard

i'm ready to crumble!

So you wanna sign up for CRUMBLE, eh? You think it looks pretty cool, huh? Well, we think you're pretty cool too! Sign on up and we'll ping you when the beta goes live!
